lyrical school new album [guidebook] out on Nov 16!

guidebook / lyrical school

guidebook (album cover)
Courtesy of CD Japan

Japanese female hip-hop idol group lyrical school is releasing their first major label album on November 16th! Titled guidebook, the album will contain 13 tracks including the singles “Magic Hour,” “Summer Foundation” and “RUN and RUN.”

lyrical school, the female answer to Ketsumeishi, consists of six girls who rap and sing. Who knew hip-hop could be so pop? Sample their live performances below the track list.

Track list:

  1. -old-
  3. プレイルーム | Playroom
  4. おしえて | Oshiete
  6. サマーファンデーション | Summer Foundation
  7. -☆☆☆- | Mitsuboshi
  8. リリシスト | Lyricist
  9. マジックアワー | Magic Hour
  10. 恋わずわず | Koi wazuwazu
  11. -too old-
  12. ラストソング | Last Song
  13. RUN and RUN

“RUN and RUN” Live performance

“Summer Foundation” live performance

> Where to buy:

Catalogue# KICS-3429. Price: 2500 yen.
guidebook / lyrical school
Order at CD Japan

Order at Amazon Japan

> guidebook album release info
> Lyrical School Official site


Saturday, November 12th, 2016 Release news

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